Newspaper Delivery Stops and Starts

Southern Distribution Victoria newspaper delivery customers may use this page to arrange to stop or re-start newspaper deliveries. Please note that if you pay for your newspaper direct to the publisher you will need to contact the publisher directly.

Stop / Re-Start Newspaper Deliveries - For Publisher Direct (Subscription) Customers

If you pay for your newspaper direct to the publisher, for any stops and starts, you will need to contact the publisher directly, normally giving them at least 48 hours notice. Publisher contact numbers are:
Fairfax (The Age & Financial Review) - 13 66 66 | News Limited (Herald Sun & The Australian) - 1800 639 700

Stop / Re-Start Newspaper Deliveries - For Southern Distribution Victoria Account Customers

Southern Distribution Victoria Account Customers may use this page to arrange to stop or re-start newspaper deliveries.

At least 24 hours notice should be given for all newspaper stops and starts requests. Requests entered on this page after 4-00 pm Monday to Friday may not be processed until the following day. Requests entered on this page on Sunday or after 11-00 am Saturday may not be processed until Monday.

Use the form below to request to stop or re-start newspaper deliveries.

Your contact details:


Delivery Address:

Email Address:


Newspatper Stop/Re-Start Delivery Request Details: